15 April 2008

Du bist mein Schatz...

I love how unbelievably adorable my grandparents are. They are simply the cutest old couple I know, and make me believe that true love is possible.

All their cute little terms of endearment for each other, all the subtle pda moments they share... My grandpa, or as I call him, Opa, is such a gentleman. And my grandma, Oma, is the epitome of sweet old lady. Not to mention she is the greatest liberal I have ever come across. The most open-minded, caring individual - all wrapped up in a cashmir sweater and pearls. Still classy even in the later years of their lives.

They help me realize how great love can truly be.

"You are my treasure..." is what my Opa tells my Oma every day when they wake up.
Without fail. And then she replies with something witty and nice like
"Du hast mein Herz gestohlen, und wenn es schlägt, schlägt es für du..."
...meaning "You have stolen my heart, and when it beats, it beats for you..."

And you know what? That is exactly what I want in a relationship. Someone who will stick by me until I'm really old, and love me the same way he did when he first started loving me.

In other news.. I really wanna be done with school. It is simply getting old to me. I just want to start my career already. Be successful, and make great strides in the field of psychology. The stress of it all is starting to affect me. And that sucks.

I want to buy my own house. And I want to spend a ridiculous amount of time decorating it.

My life is not moving at a fast enough pace for me. It is irritating me.

Hopefully soon I will find what I am looking for.

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